Deliveries Reports

These reports can be found in the Freightmate  -> Reports menu

Deliveries – Date Range

The deliveries by date range report allow you to list all of the consignments entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print, preview to screen or save the information to an excel file.

 Deliveries – Location

The deliveries by location report allows you to list deliveries by selected locations.  The deliveries by location report allow you to list all of the consignments entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print, preview to screen or save the information to an excel file.

Deliveries – Route

The deliveries by route report allows you to list your deliveries by specific origins and destinations.  The deliveries by route report allow you to list all of the consignments entered for a particular customer and by a date range with or without GST details.  You can print, preview to screen or save the information to an excel file.

Deliveries – Vehicle

The deliveries by vehicle report allows you to list all your deliveries by vehicle. You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Trailer

The delivery by trailer report allows you to list all your deliveries by trailer. You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Driver

The deliveries by driver report allow you to list all of the consignments entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print, preview to screen or save the information to an excel file.

Deliveries – Contractor

The deliveries by contractor report allows you to list all your deliveries by contractor entered between a date range with or without GST details. You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Customer

The deliveries by customer report allows you to list all your deliveries by customer entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Manifests

The deliveries by manifest report allows you to list all your deliveries by manifest entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

 Deliveries – Invoices

The deliveries by invoice report allows you to list all your deliveries by invoice number entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Freight

The deliveries by freight report allows you to list all your deliveries by freight, vehicle or contractor entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Departments

The deliveries by department report allows you to list all your deliveries by departments  entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Container

The deliveries by container report allows you to list all your deliveries by container number  entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Sender

The deliveries by sender report allows you to list all your deliveries by sender and route code  entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Serial Number

The deliveries by serial number report allows you to list all your deliveries by serial number and customer entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Reference Number

The deliveries by reference number report allows you to list all your deliveries by reference number and customer entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Sender/Receivers

The deliveries by sender/receiver report allows you to list all your deliveries by sender/receiver  and product entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Charge Codes

The deliveries by charge code report allows you to list all your deliveries by charge code and customer entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

 Deliveries – Sender/Route/Product Analysis

This report allows you to list all your deliveries by sender, roude and product entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Route/Product Analysis

The deliveries by reference number report allows you to list all your deliveries by reference number and customer entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Route/Customer/Product Analysis

This report allows you to list all your deliveries by route code, customer and product entered between a date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Un-Manifested

This report allows you to list all deliveries that have not been manifested.  You have the ability to select by status and date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – With POD

This report allows you to list deliveries that have had POD details recorded.  You have the ability to select by status, customer, route, manifest, invoice number and date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Without POD

This report allows you to list deliveries that have not had POD details recorded.  You have the ability to select by status, customer, route, manifest, invoice number and date range with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Manifest Range

This report allows you to list deliveries by manifest range.  This could be a manifest number range or date range and you have the ability to exclude fuel surcharge fee consignments and order the report by delivery date from the consignment or manifest ETD date from the manifest.  The report can also be filtered with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – User

This report allows you to list deliveries entered by a specific user identity.  The report also gives you the option to view by consignment date or the date the consignment was entered.  The report can also be filtered with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

 Deliveries – Completed Date Range

This report allows you to list deliveries completed within a specific date range.  The report can also be filtered by status and customer, with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Industry

This report allows you to list deliveries by industry code within a specific date range.  The industry code is allocated on the customer master file.  The report can also be filtered by status and industry code, with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Route/Industry

This report allows you to list deliveries by industry code and route code within a specific date range.  The report can also be filtered by status, route code and industry code, with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Customer/Route/Location

This report allows you to list deliveries by customer \ route \ location within a specific date range.  The report can also be filtered by status, route code, customer code, sender code and receiver code, with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Product/Department Analysis

This report allows you to list deliveries by department and product by a date range. You can select to show the report as a summary or detailed report. If you select to show the detailed report it will print all of the consignments related to the department \ product \ date range selected and it will group the information by department code and product code. If you show the report as a summary you will get a list of all of the products used in the department \ product \ date range selected and it will sub-total each product within the department.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Customer/Route/Product Details

This report allows you to list deliveries by customer, route and product by a date range. You can select to show the report as a summary or detailed report. If you select to show the detailed report it will print all of the consignments related to the customer, route, product and date range selected and it will group the information by customer. It will show you the product total for each product on the consignment. If you show the report as a summary you will get the totals for the quantity, weight, volume and amount summarised by customer, route and product code. You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Customer Categories

This report allows you to list deliveries by a customer category. You can set the customer category up in the customer master file. This report will only show consignments where the customer on the consignment has a category code allocated to it. You can select the information by status, customer and category within a date range. It can be shown with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.

Deliveries – Description

This report allows you to list deliveries by description entered onto the consignment details within a specific date range.  The report can also be filtered by status and customer code. It can be printed with or without GST details.  You can print or preview this information.


Manifest Reports


Manifests – Date Range

The manifests by date range report allow you to list all of the manifests entered between a date range with or without manifest amount and cost details.  You can print, preview to screen or save the information to an excel file.

Manifests – Location

The manifest by location report allows you to list all of your manifests by location.  You can print or preview this information.

Manifests – Route

The manifest by route report allows you to list all of your manifests by route.  You can print or preview this information.

Manifests – Vehicle

The manifest by vehicle report allows you to list all of your manifests by vehicle.  You can print or preview this information.

Manifests – Trailer

The manifest by trailer report allows you to list all of your manifests by trailer.  You can print or preview this information.

Manifests – Driver

The manifest by driver report allows you to list all of your manifests by driver.  You can print or preview this information.

Manifests – Contractor

The manifest by contractor report allows you to list all of your manifests by contractor.  You can print or preview this information.

Manifests – User

The manifest by users report allows you to list all of your manifests by the employee who entered the manifest.  You can print or preview this information.

 Manifest – Costs

The manifest costs report will show you all of the costs allocated to your manifests.  You can print or preview this information.

Manifests – Cost Summary

The manifest cost summary report will show you all of the costs allocated to your vehicles by the manifest. This report will show a total for each expense code for each vehicle and it will sub-total the costs for each vehicle. You can print or preview this information.

Manifests – Trips

The manifest by Trip report allows you to list all of your manifests by Trip Number.  You can print or preview this information.

Manifests – Container

The manifest by container report allows you to list all of your manifests by container.  You can print or preview this information.

 Full Vehicle Status

The full vehicle status report allows you to view the status of your vehicles and lists vehicle number, time of departure, and time of arrival and destination.  You can print, preview to screen or save this information to an excel file.

 Invoice Register

The invoice register report allows you to list all of the invoices for a specific invoice, customer and date range. The report will show you the invoice number, customer, total invoice amount ex gst, gst and total including gst. You can print, preview to screen or save this information to an excel file.

 Customer Fuel Surcharge Expiry

The customer fuel surcharge expiry report will give you a list of all customers where their fuel surcharge will expire within a date range You can print, preview to screen or save this information to an excel file.

 Contractor Fuel Surcharge Expiry

The contractor fuel surcharge expiry report will give you a list of all contractors where their fuel surcharge will expire within a date range.  You can print, preview to screen or save this information to an excel file.

 Split Consignment List

The split consignment report allows you to list all of the consignment that you have allocated splits to. This information can be selected by status, consignment number, route and date range. You have the ability to show the split details. If you select to show the split details the report will show you the original consignment and the splits allocated to the consignment. You can print, preview to screen or save this information to an excel file.


The invoices report allows you to select by customer, invoice and date range the invoices to show. You can view this as a summary or detailed report. The summary report will show you each invoice and its total and the detailed report will show you the details of the invoice. You can print, preview to screen or save this information to an excel file.


Exception Reports

 Customers with no Cubic Conversion

The customers with no cubic conversion report allows you to run a report that will show you all of your customers that you have not setup cubic conversions for in the customer master file.

Customers with no Pricing

The customers with no pricing report allows you to run a report that will show you all of your customers that you have not setup customer pricing for in the customer pricing master file.

Customers with no Pricing on Routes Being Used

The customers with no pricing on routes report allows you to run a report that will show you all of your customers that you have not setup customer pricing for where they have consignments entered into the system for routes other than what is in your customer pricing master file.

 Customers with Pricing on Routes not Being Used

The customers with pricing on routes not been used report allows you to run a report that will show you all of your customers that you have setup customer pricing for that have consignments entered into the system for routes that are not been used. You can select the date range of consignments to check to see if the route has been used or not.

Customer Sales

The customer sales report will show you a total consignment amount for each of your customers. You can filter this information by status, customer, route and date range. You can print, preview to screen or save this information to an excel file.

 Weekly Customer Sales

The weekly customer sales report allows you to report on customers’ sales for up to 7 months. The report will show you the customer details, consignments grouped by route code and the total of consignments, items, weight, volume, net revenue, average weight and average weight per KG for the route code. It will also show you the last 7 weeks figures as well as the monthly figures you have selected. You can print, preview to screen or save this information to an excel file.

 Missing Consignment Report

The missing consignment report will allow you to search for any consignments that are not in the system for a specific starting number and last number. If your consignment numbers contain leading zeros (eg 0000101) you can select the number of leading zeros to include in the search. You can print of preview this information.





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