Customer Service Entry


 Data Entry Screen

When the consignment number is entered, the system will search for the consignment details and import the customer, sender, receiver, and despatch date, number of items and description of freight into the customer service entry screen.  It will also pick up the contractor or driver information from the manifest.

 Next, enter the service category. These will need to be set up in the utilities menu first.   This is not a mandatory field, but is a useful tool when running the customer service report.  Two examples would be - DF (damaged freight), DC (debt collection).

 Next, enter the response time.  These will need to be set up in the utilities menu first.   You might want to set these up as intervals between initial query and completion of action.  For example, by number of hours taken to resolve the query. 

 Enter the query relating to the consignment, leaving the status of the query as not complete. 

 When the query has been resolved, enter the action taken to resolve the query and change the service entry status to complete and save the record.


Customer Service Report

The customer service report can be ordered by any combination of the fields on the above screen and can also be grouped by customer.  The report will list in service entry number order; therefore, if you request the report for a particular consignment, all service entries for that consignment will list chronologically on the report.


You have the option to print direct to a printer, preview to screen and then print to a printer or to save the report to an Excel file.



















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