7.01 Company Records

The company records option is used to store all relevant company data for producing system-generated invoices, purchase orders, repair orders, with company details, address, telephone numbers, and ABN number.  This option also records important data such as default general ledger accounts, bank account details, superannuation guarantee %, all in one central area necessary to ensure accurate posting of transactions to the general ledger for and financial reporting and letterhead details for producing documents.

Company Browse


The Company file browse window displays some of the information entered into the Company master entry screen.  You have the ability to find, display and print from this window. For more information on these options, refer to Operator Prompts at the front of this manual.

To add a company record, select the display button and then select add.



There are multiple data screens for setting up your company details.  The first is the general information screen for recording trading name, address and telephone numbers.  The information printed on your company stationery is collected from this section of the database.

Please ensure that only the following characters are used in the address details. A-Z, 0-9, space, &, /, apostrophe, ", and hyphen. Please make sure that there are no full stops.  Suburb, state and postcode details are to be in correct fields not in the first address line.

To move between these screens use either the next page arrows located at the bottom right hand corner of the screen, or use your mouse to click on the page tab at the top of the screen.



The second screen is for the setting up of your fiscal year, fiscal month, departments and general ledger default codes.  An entry must be made in each field of this screen to ensure that all information flows to the general ledger correctly.

Accounting Continued


The third screen is for setting up of general ledger codes and tax information relevant to reporting of the Business Activity Statement for the tax department.  It is essential that the fields relating to GST and withholding tax are completed correctly so that the information can be collected for BAS reporting and also to ensure that all information is properly updated to the general ledger.

ABN – Should be entered in the format of numbers only with no spaces.

Branch – Some companies have a branch allocated by the ATO.  If you are unsure please check with your accountants as this field is required when creating the EMPDUPE file for the ATO when submitting the PAYG summaries. 

ATO ECI File Version – insert the ECI version you are currently using.  If this field is left blank the system will default to Version.10

Auto Numbering


The fourth page is for setting up of your computer generated numbering system.  This page has separate editing access to the rest of the Company records.  Once the starting numbers have been set, these should not be altered as problems can arise in all areas of the system if the numbers are duplicated. 



The fifth screen is for the recording of your company bank for the purpose of creating an EFT file for uploading to your banking software, and super guarantee % for calculating of superannuation within the payroll system.

Footer Notes


In the sixth screen you have the ability to enter footer notes which will print out globally on all documents generated.  You also have the option in the employee master file to print individual notes for a particular employee that will print at the bottom of their individual payslip.



The seventh screen can be used for the recording of any general information.



The printer setup option is used for some of our clients that use label printers. This information does not need to be entered unless advised by Norcom.

Other Continued


The other continued page allows you to select what payroll entitlements to print on your Payslips in Paymate.

Online Set-up


The online setup page is used with our web entry system nad is not revelant to Paymate.

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