Time Line

The Time Line tool allows you to create Route Codes, Plan Codes Fatigue Trip Plans (FTP's) as well as enter Actual trip information from driver Work Diaries.  This powerful tool provides a simple graphic interface with which the user can quickly add/edit/delete load/unload times, breaks, drop off points and more with the click of a mouse.


Each Page (tab) on the Time Line represents one 24hrs period broken up into 15 minute increments.  Each page is dated. *Note: in Route/Plan Code  mode the date is abitary (begining at 01/01/1999).  The number of pages displayed on the Time Line is dependent on the number of Dates the Trip encompasses.  The Time Line is colour coded to represent Driving, Break Loading and Unloading Times.  

Colour Codes:

  1. White Space - represents Driving Time

  2. Grey Space - represents Non Work Time (Time that falls outside the current Plan). 

  3. Red Space - represents Break Time.  Left click (and drag if required) on White space to insert Breaks. You can erase Breaks by left clicking the Red Space.

  4. Blue Space -  represents Loading/Unloading Time.  Right click the mouse to insert Load/Unload Time. You can erase Load/Unload Time by right clicking the Blue Space.  You can only draw Load Times at Departure Points (FIRST White Space).  You can only draw Unload Times at Arrival Points (Pink Space immediately following LAST White Space)

  5. Pink Space - represents the Arrival Point of a Trip and is the only point at which Unload Time can be inserted.


There are 5 functions available on the Time Line that allow you to make changes to a Route/Plan Code or FTP.

  1. Drawing - draw in Breaks, Load and Unload Times simply by clicking and dragging along the Time Line (see Colour Codes above for details)

  2. Handle - the line of Text that appears on the Time Line above the first White Space of a Trip is refered to as a Handle. Left click the handle and drag it to move the Trip to a new Start Point (the verticle line that represents the Start of the Trip will move along the Time Line with the mouse).  To set the Start Time to the previous or next day drag the handle until the verticle Start Line hovers just past the first (for prev.) or last (for next) block on the Time Line.

  3. Stretch - use the 'Stretch at' textbox to input an amount of time to stretch the length of the overall Trip by.  Then click the Stretch button.  To decrease the length of a trip input a negative number.  Maximum stretch input is 24hrs.  The stretch length with be added or subtracted from the end of the Trip.

  4. Split - use the 'Split at' Date/time field to input a Split Point.  Then click the Split button.  The Split Point must fall between the begining and the end of the curent Trip.  A Split is a Drop Off Point that occurs within a Trip and as such has a Handle associated with it.  You can drag the Handle to create Break Time between the Split Points Arrival and Departure times (Grey Space). You can also Draw Load and Unload times at a Split Point (you must drag the Handle to the right to expose the Pink Space in order to add Unload Time at a Split Point).  

  5. Summary Edit - use the Summary tickbox to expose the Time Line Summary.  From here you can Edit the Distance, Ave Klm and Drive Time to suit your Trip by clicking the Edit button.  Click the Apply button and the trip will be stretched or shortened accordingly.   NOTE: shortening Drive Time removes Drivetime PLUS any Breaks, Load and Unload Times that occurs at the end of the Trip (use the Negative Stretch function to take an overall amount of time off a Trip regardless of Drive Time)


Time Line History

The Time Line History tool allows you to view multiple Fatigue Trip Plans (FTP's) for a specific Driver or Contractor as well as providing a Shift From-To function that allows the user to choose a sequence of Trip Plans and shift them forward by a chosen amount of time. This tool uses a simple graphic interface similar to that of the Time Line.  Depending on how much FTP history is stored in Compliancemate the Time Line History screen will show the currently selected Trip and all Trips for it's associated Driver/Contractor going both forward and backward by the longest Number of Days determined by the Fatigue Plan rules for that Driver/Contractor.


Each Page (tab) on the Time Line represents one 24hrs period broken up into 15 minute increments.  Each page is dated.  The number of pages displayed on the Time Line History is dependent on the number of Dates the Trips encompasses.  The Time Line is colour coded to represent Driving, Break Loading and Unloading Times.  See Colour Codes above in the Time Line Section of this How To Guide. NOTE: Time Line History DOES NOT allow the editing functionality of the Time Line.

 4.04 Fatigue Management How To Guide

 4.10 Check Violations 'How to' Guide

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